
Welcome to the Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences Advising & Resource Center. The quickest way to reach your advisor is by emailing them your question or concern. If a phone or video conference is needed, your advisor will be able to accommodate. See below for your advisors email:

LeAnn Taylor  EtheridgeR@ecu.edu

John Trifilo TrifiloJ@ecu.edu

Peggy Newsome AtkinsonPE@ecu.edu  

Mike Goodhart GoodhartM18@ecu.edu

Chalisa Harrell HarrellCH18@ecu.edu  

Robert Haberstroh Haberstrohr18@ecu.edu

Mary Myers Myersma23@ecu.edu

Taylor McFarland Mcfarlandt23@ecu.edu

If you do not have an advisor within our center but have a question about our majors and/or changing to a major within our college, please email THCASadvising@ecu.edu or call 252.737.4454.

Advisor Kudos!

If you think your advisor is GREAT and want to send them (and their supervisor!) a quick note of appreciation, click this link Advisor Kudos.

The College is composed of 16 departments that encompass the natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, and mathematics. We offer BS (Bachelor of Science) degrees, BA (Bachelor of Arts) degrees, or minors in several areas. See the About Us section on the top of page for brief descriptions of THCAS majors/minors. Some departments employ professional advisors, some use faculty advisors, and some have a combination of the two. Please explore the different department sites linked below: