Biology & Biochemistry
Biology & Biochemistry
Biochemistry – The biochemistry degree is designed for students seeking careers in a variety of fields including health professions, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, research, and business. The curriculum has a strong foundation in chemistry, physics, calculus, and biology. Additional course work in molecular and cellular disciplines, combined with the biochemistry sequence, completes the degree requirements. Students are strongly encouraged to carry out undergraduate research projects in biochemistry for which they can earn course credit.
Biology – The biology degree is designed for students seeking careers in a variety of health-related, industrial, business, academic, research, and professional fields. Students study topics in cellular/molecular biology, developmental biology, ecology, evolution, and organismal biology. The coastal wetlands of eastern North Carolina, the large professional health community, and the excellent facilities associated with the university medical and dental programs offer educational and research opportunities to students.
Please review all information below.
Explore Your Major:
Biology – Your Major Matters (2 minutes)
Biology – Introduction to Major (14 minutes)
Scholarship Opportunities (1 minute)
Faculty Research Areas (1 minute)
Undergraduate Assistants (1 minute)
Tips to Be Successful (1 minute)
Student Organizations (1 minute)
Internships (1 minute)
Transfer student PRIMER program (1 minute)
Please see first semester course guides HERE and sample 4-year plans HERE.
Please visit the Department of Biology to familiarize yourself with the department, faculty, and opportunities for the future.